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dc.contributor.authorPenny, McKay-
dc.identifier.citationAssessing young language learners / Penny McKay. - New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008. - 401 p.en_US
dc.description.abstractRecent years have seen considerable growth in the number of children learning a second or foreign language, as the importance of being able to use a language other than one’s first language has become recognized in an increasingly globalized world. In Asia and Europe in particular, there has been a tendency to lower the age at which school children begin to learn a foreign language, since it is believed that the earlier a child starts to learn a foreign language, the greater the ultimate achievement will be. In addition, in many regions of the world, vast numbers of children attend schools in which the language of instruction is not the same as their native or mother tongue. InmanyAfrican countries, for instance, the language of education is not the same as the language of the home for the majority of children. In many settings, the children of immigrants must not only deal with the same subject matter as their classmates for whom the language of instruction is their native language, but also acquire that language as a second, sometimes as a third, language.en_US
dc.publisherNew York: Cambridge University Pressen_US
dc.subjectyoung learner language assessmenten_US
dc.subjectyoung learneren_US
dc.subjectlanguage assessmenten_US
dc.subjectlanguage learningen_US
dc.subjectвивчення мовиen_US
dc.subjectоцінювання рівня знань з англійської мовиen_US
dc.subjectClassroom assessment of language useen_US
dc.subjectAssessing oral languageen_US
dc.subjectAssessing reading and writingen_US
dc.subjectіноземна моваen_US
dc.subjectвивчення іноземної мовиen_US
dc.titleAssessing Young Language Learnersen_US
Appears in Collections:Методика викладання іноземної мови

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