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Title: Contemporary Dystopian Fiction: Literature as Social Critique=Сучасна антиутопічна фантастика: Література як соціальна критика
Other Titles: dissertation
Keywords: Defining Dystopia:
Classical Dystopia
Critical Dystopia
Dystopian Features
A. Kazuo Ishiguro: Never Let Me Go
Margaret Atwood: MaddAddam
David Mitchell: Cloud Atlas
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Ghent University
Citation: Contemporary Dystopian Fiction: Literature as Social Critique : dissertation / Supervisor: Prof. dr. Kate Macdonald. - Ghent University, 2014-2015. - 114 p. sm.
Abstract: In this dissertation, I would like to dwell upon the traits and merits of a particular form of speculative writing: the literary dystopia or “bad place” (Moylan, “Scraps” 72). As the term suggests, these narratives usually have a bleak futuristic setting involving sinister technological advancements, controlling organizations and an unsettling atmosphere of conformity.
Appears in Collections:Сучасна література англомовних країн

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