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Title: A History of the English Language
Authors: Baugh, Albert C.
Cable, Thomas
Keywords: The Indo-European Family of Languages
Old English
The Norman Conquest
The Reestablishment of English, 1200–1500
Middle English
The Renaissance, 1500–1650
The Appeal to Authority, 1650–1800
The Nineteenth Century
The English Language in America
Middle English Dialects
English Spelling
Issue Date: 2002
Publisher: London: Routledge
Citation: A History of the English Language. Fifth Edition / Albert C. Baugh and Thomas Cable. London: Routledge, 2002. 459 p.
Abstract: Before the present author ever became associated with Albert C.Baugh’s A History of the English Language, several generations of teachers and students had appreciated its enduring qualities. Not least of these, and often remarked upon, was the full attention paid to the historical and cultural setting of the development of the language. This original emphasis has made it possible for subsequent editions to include discussions of current issues and varieties of English in ways that could not have been specifically foreseen in 1935. The fifth edition continues this updating by expanding the sections on African American Varnacular English and Hispanic American English, adding a section on Gender Issues and Linguistic Change, and incorporating small changes throughout. Once again global events have affected global English and necessitated revisions, especially in the first and last chapters. Baugh’s original text was supported by footnotes and bibliographies that not only acknowledged the sources of his narrative but also pointed directions for further study and research. In each successive edition new references have been added. To avoid documentary growth, sprawl, and incoherence by simple accretion, the present edition eliminates a number of references that have clearly been susperseded. At the same time it keeps many that might not usually be consulted by students in order to give a sense of the foundations and progress of the study of the subject.
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