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Title: The History of the English Language
Other Titles: Course Guidebook
Authors: Lerer, Seth
Keywords: The Historical Study of Language
Indo-European and the Prehistory of English
Meaning and Sound
Historical Linguistics
The Beginnings of English
The Old English Worldview
Chaucer’s English
Dialect Representations
The Return of English
The Great Vowel Shift
Modern English
Early Modern English Syntax
New Standards in English
The Beginnings of American English
American Language from Webster to Mencken
American Rhetoric
The Language of the American Self
American Regionalism
American Dialects in Literature
An Anglophone World
The Language of Science
The Science of Language
Politics in Language Study
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: USA: The Teaching Company
Citation: Seth Lerer. The History of the English Language, 2nd Edition Course Guidebook. USA: The Teaching Company, 2008. 226 p.
Abstract: This course of 36 lectures surveys the history of the English language, from its origins as a dialect of Germanic-speaking peoples, through the literary and cultural documents of its 1,500-year span, to the state of American speech of the present day. In addition to surveying the spoken and written forms of the language over time, the course also focuses on larger social concerns about language use, variety, and change; the relationship between spelling and pronunciation; the notion of dialect and variation across geographical and class boundaries; the arguments concerning English as an offi cial language and the status of standard English; the role of the dictionary in describing and prescribing usage; and the ways in which words change meaning, as well as the manner in which English speakers have coined and borrowed new words from other languages.
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