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Title: The Write Right Word. Correcting Commonly Confused, Misspelled, and Misused Words
Other Titles: Напишіть правильне слово. Виправлення слів, які часто плутають, пишуться з помилками та неправильно вживаються
Authors: Elizabeth, Morrison
Keywords: The Write Right Word
The Write Right Word. Correcting Commonly Confused, Misspelled, and Misused Words
правильне слово
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: USA: The Career Press
Citation: The Write Right Word. Correcting Commonly Confused, Misspelled, and Misused Words / By Elizabeth Morrison. - USA: The Career Press, 2014. - 168 p.
Abstract: This book was originally designed to assist students (particularly those for whom English was a second language) with the difficulties they encountered when writing. Many of my students studying communications were from non-English-speaking countries. Problems with English usage became evident when students encountered words that had the same sound but were spelled differently and had different meanings (e.g., cite/ sight/site). Spellcheck could not be relied on every time to identify a word spelled incorrectly, particularly if it seemed correct in the context.
ISBN: 978-1-60163335-4
Appears in Collections:DICTIONARIES

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