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dc.contributor.authorGöetz, Brian-
dc.contributor.authorPeierls, Tim-
dc.contributor.authorBloch, Joshua-
dc.contributor.authorBowbeer, Joseph-
dc.contributor.authorHolmes, David-
dc.contributor.authorLea, Doug-
dc.identifier.citationJava Concurrency In Practice / Brian Goetz. - Williston, VT, 2006. - 235 p.en_US
dc.description.abstractTo address the abstraction mismatch between Java's low‐level mechanisms and the necessary design‐level policies, we present a simplified set of rules for writing concurrent programs. Experts may look at these rules and say "Hmm, that's not entirely true: class C is thread‐safe even though it violates rule R." While it is possible to write correct programs that break our rules, doing so requires a deep understanding of the low‐level details of the Java Memory Model, and we want developers to be able to write correct concurrent programs without having to master these details. Consistently following our simplified rules will produce correct and maintainable concurrent programs.en_US
dc.publisherWilliston, VTen_US
dc.subjectBrief History of Concurrencyen_US
dc.subjectRisks of Threadsen_US
dc.subjectThread Safetyen_US
dc.subjectSharing Objectsen_US
dc.subjectComposing Objectsen_US
dc.subjectBuilding Blocksen_US
dc.subjectTask Executionen_US
dc.subjectCancellation and Shutdownen_US
dc.subjectApplying Thread Poolsen_US
dc.subjectGUI Applicationsen_US
dc.subjectAvoiding Liveness Hazardsen_US
dc.subjectPerformance and Scalabilityen_US
dc.subjectTesting Concurrent Programsen_US
dc.subjectExplicit Locksen_US
dc.subjectBuilding Custom Synchronizersen_US
dc.subjectAtomic Variablesen_US
dc.subjectNon-blocking Synchronizationen_US
dc.subjectThe Java Memory Modelen_US
dc.titleJava Concurrency In Practiceen_US
Appears in Collections:Програмування на Java

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