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Title: Java The Complete Reference
Authors: Schildt, Herbert
Keywords: The Java Language
The Java Library
Introducing GUI
Programming with Swing
Programming with JavaFX
Applying Java
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education, United States of America
Citation: Java The Complete Reference / Herbert Schildt. - McGraw-Hill Education, United States of America, 2020. - Ninth Edition. - 1313 p.
Abstract: Java is one of the world’s most important and widely used computer languages. Furthermore, it has held that distinction for many years. Unlike some other computer languages whose influence has waned with the passage of time, Java’s has grown stronger. Java leapt to the forefront of Internet programming with its first release. Each subsequent version has solidified that position. Today, it is still the first and best choice for developing web-based applications. Simply put: much of the modern world runs on Java code. Java really is that important.
Appears in Collections:Програмування на Java

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