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Title: A Handbook on English Literature
Other Titles: довідбник з англійської літератури
Authors: Chowdhury, Hossain Ahmad
Keywords: Old English Period
English Literature
Middle English Period
The Renaissance
Thomas Norton
William Langland
Thomas Malory
The Jacobean Period
The Caroline Period
The Commonwealth Period
The Neoclassical Period
John Milton
The Augustan Period
The Age of Sensibility
The Romantic Period
The Victorian Period
George Eliot
Post Modern Periods
Modern Periods
William Golding
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Confidence Research Work Ltd.
Citation: A Handbook on English Literature / Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury, Confidence Research Work Ltd, 2013. - First Ed. 250 p.
Abstract: All praise belongs to almighty Allah, who allows me finalizing this book and peace be upon the last Prophet. A Handbook on English Literature is designed to serve as a handbook to the candidates of BCS Preliminary exam in their study of English literature. It is expected that this book will help them secure good marks in their examination. Actually this book has been published not because there is a scarcity of such notes on English literature but because always we have opportunity to join with our existing publications.
Appears in Collections:Література країни основної мови

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