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Title: Modern computer vision technologies
Authors: Sheremet, O.
Yuskovych-Zhukovska, V.
Keywords: Computer vision
artificial intelligence
machine learning
information technology
classify images
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Katowice: The University of Technology in Katowice Press
Citation: Sheremet O., Yuskovych-Zhukovska V. Modern computer vision technologies / O. Sheremet, V. Yuskovych-Zhukovska // Exploring the digital landscape: interdisciplinary perspectives : monograph. - Katowice, 2024. - С. 870-880.
Abstract: Computer vision (Computer Vision, CV) – is a branch of artificial intelligence that deals with the analysis, classification and recognition of images and videos. The basis of CV are algorithms based on machine learning. These algorithms are constantly learning to navigate in the environment, distinguish one object from another correctly, without errors, see patterns and regularities.
Appears in Collections:Комп'ютерні науки

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