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Title: Post-Workout Recovery and Psychophysical Characteristics of Sportsmen
Other Titles: Відновлення після тренування та психофізичні особливості спортсменів
Authors: Petruk, І.
Петрук, І.
Keywords: training
recuperative means
psychophysical features
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Center for Promoting Ideas, USA
Citation: Petruk І. Post-Workout Recovery and Psychophysical Characteristics of Sportsmen. American International Journal of Contemporary Research . 2013. Vol. 3. No. 9 (September). S. 14-17.
Abstract: The combination of sports massage and functional music does make the process of sportsman recovery more effective. During the research we observed that the shooters had better results of massage and music. Obviously, the reason for this was individual psychological peculiarities and other personal features such as: emotional stability, introversion and adaptation to relaxation music of shooters.
Appears in Collections:Спортивна медицина. Психологія спорту

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