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Title: The use of information technologies in recruitment processes
Authors: Bogut, О.
Yuskovych-Zhukovska, V.
Keywords: intelligent information system
personnel recruitment
programmer recruitment
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Nottingham, UK: Bookmundo
Citation: Bogut О, Yuskovych-Zhukovska V. The use of information technologies in recruitment processes. Current Challenges and New Opportunities in Science and Education: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference (2024, June 29). - Nottingham, UK : Bookmundo, 2024. C. 51-52.
Abstract: With the rapid implementation of information technologies across all sectors, their role in the recruitment processes of company personnel, particularly programmers for various IT projects, is increasing. Finding a qualified programmer for a particular outsourcing project is a complex process that requires appropriate professional knowledge. To address the challenges of selecting programmers, an intelligent knowledge-based information system has been proposed.
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